Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Thing Which Unites Russians

The New Year is coming. And this a time for watching the movie Irony of fate. The New Year itself is associated with this movie, it is one thing which unites people on former Soviet Union space.

The plot is simple. One bachelor after party with friends in banja (like the sauna) randomly flew from Moscow to Leningrad (now it is Sant-Petersburg) and appeared in the apartment with the same address as in Moscow. This is a home for the young woman who is unmarried and she planned to meet New Year with her potential groom. After the series of the funny episodes, they became falling in love. 

This movie presents the usual New Year's concerns like preparing the salads, the thoughts about the New Year's resolutions combined with beautiful Russian winter, Christmas tree, and love. It seems that TV's entertainment is merging with reality. The magnificent songs, great expectations add this scenery.  

The actors are not just playing, they are living of life of their heroes. There are lots of phrases from this movie which became almost proverbs for Russian people.

Even if I know the plot in details, I consist of turning the TV to a channel where this movie translates and then I started to realize that New Year is coming ...

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