Friday, June 3, 2016

Traits Of A Successful Person (Writing Exercise With Englishtown)


Topic: Write about the traits and habits of a successful person you admire.

I remember the story which our guide told us when we were on an excursion in The Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg  (school) where the most well known Russian poet, Aleksandr Pushkin studied. She said that if pupil demonstrates a success in all disciplines he hardly appears a genius in the future. But if he concentrates on one subject and he shows distinctly better results than in other disciplines it would lead to true success.

Alexander Pushkin didn't pay attention to mathematics and physics but he was passionate about poetry in the school. His talent has been noticed by teachers and this fact inspired him for improving his skills in literature.

This example demonstrates to us how important it is to find one area where our possibilities can be realized.

But it is also necessary to keep basis knowledges in other areas. In case of unpredictable circumstances we could change our occupation.

And general level of culture is also important for people even if it seems not necessary for everyday life. I think a studying of foreign language is a good example for it.

Be excellent only in one discipline

Comment from teacher Stacey A:
Articles are used to differentiate between things or ideas – usually expressed by nouns. The speaker/writer may be referring to a specific thing or idea, or a general one. A and an are used to refer non-specific nouns.

This topic was written and corrected in online school (former englishtown)

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