Friday, July 1, 2016


Write a clear email to your teacher, giving an update about a task you're working on.

Attention to administration,

I'm writing you to update you on the process of preparing the presentation for my colleagues about our school.

On the first slides I demonstrate some general goals for studying English and how people who study language would be promoted for the a higher position in their careers. I’m presenting a class material which is divided for into 17 levels and includes many interesting topics. Using microphone and voice recognition tools gives to learners feelings online interaction with program although actually it works offline.

The core type of studying are group classes. The program for it is Adobe Connect. It is less effective than Google hangouts (just my opinion) but it includes a few good features which Google hangouts doesn't have. For example a button for raising hand. The program works better when the internet connection is not strong enough.

I'm going to show the audience some disadvantages where school administration should continue working. We don't have suitable ways for communication outside class rooms. I think that the organizing free chat would be welcomed by students.

The last slides are dedicated to describing of the tools that the school uses. I highlighted the possibilities to use mobile devices such as tablets or smart phones.

Forgot to mention. Feedback from teachers after group classes and writing exercise is not only useful but also very inspiring.

I'll send you the presentation as soon as it will be ready.

Sincerely yours, Anatoly

Teacher's comments:
I recommend that you review verb placement in your sentences. For example you wrote, "which divided" instead of, "which is divided." Reviewing verb use will help to strengthen your writing. I recommend that you review where to place articles in your sentences. For example you wrote, "button" instead of, "a button." Reviewing article placement will help to strengthen your writing.

Teacher Julia D

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