The short story “The Kiss” by Kate Chopin is about a woman who wants to marry a rich man. She carefully plans how to achieve her aims using all her charm. She is narcissistic, vain and manipulative, and she thinks that she has a right to play with people's emotions.
There are two male characters in the story. One is naive and has a weak character. Another, on the contrary, doesn't let women manipulate him.
The plot of the story “Man From the South” by Roald Dahl includes intriguing circumstances related to the Cadillac as a high-stakes commodity. The terms of the argument between a young American and an older man are eerie but very interesting.
Roald Dahl writes cheerfully about terrible and scary things. He turns everything upside down so the reader sees an unexpected denouement in the end.

Here is the link to the text of the story: