Saturday, September 25, 2021

Gooseberries By Anton Chekhov — Review

“Gooseberries” is a sad story written by famous Russian author Anton Chekhov. The main character, a veterinary surgeon Ivan Ivanich, tells the story of his brother, Nicholai Ivanich, who had the desire to be financially successful. He associated it with living in the countryside and growing gooseberries.


The main, visible message for readers, leads to personality degradation and the irreversible loss of the true quality of a rich social life. The wife of Nicholai Ivanich suffered innocently for his idea, before her death. The attitude of the narrator is expressed by the author in this quote: "don't be satisfied, don't let yourself be lulled to sleep! While you are young, strong, wealthy, do not cease to do good! Happiness does not exist, nor should it, and if there is any meaning or purpose in life, they are not in our peddling little happiness, but in something reasonable and grand. Do good!"


But some readers find in the narration another moral. They say in comments that a more pleasant figure is the landowner Alekhin, who does his business from morning to evening, not even having the opportunity to wash. He has no time to fly in the clouds, to think about the meaning of life.  His meaning is life - land and to work on it, and the rest, perhaps, does not matter.


This is the link to the text of the story:

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Coup de Grace by Ambrose Bierce - Review

The short story “The Coup de Grace” by Ambrose Bierce is difficult to read.

It is written well, but it is an uncomfortable read. The plot and actions there are terrible and very unpleasant.


The meaning of "coup de grâce" (french) is a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal.


The narration includes a detailed scene of human agony and the moral torment of another person. One, turned into a massive pain, having lost his mind, the other has no way to make a choice.


The story is very realistic, brutal and cynically harsh as war truly is.

This is a link to the text of the story:

Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Father's Story by Andre Dubus — Review


“A Father's Story” by American writer Andre Dubus is set in a place in the countryside. The narrator tells about his life in northeastern Massachusetts. Readers can vividly imagine the scenes, pain, grief, and emotions of this period in time.


The main character is the man who owns a stable of thirty horses and teaches riding to young people. His wife left with their children. Only his daughter returns to visit the town for summer vacation.


The main character expresses his attitude for life, according to conscious and moral principles. When the narrator faces a moral dilemma, the author sets off on a theological evaluation of family values. 


Here is the link to the story:

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Beware of the Dog by Roald Dahl — Review

The short story “Beware of the Dog” by British writer Roald Dahl was closely connected to the former profession of the author, as he was a pilot. Roald Dahl also wrote a well-known book worldwide for children called “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.


The story includes many vivid descriptions and a suspenseful plot which leads to an unexpected ending. The narration pictures, the actions, the thoughts, the feelings of the main character in detail, and this phrase - "Garde au chien" (beware the dog) stay in the memory after finishing reading.


This is a link to the text of the story: