Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hallucination by Isaac Asimov Review

The short story "Hallucination" by Isaac Asimov belongs to a genre of science fiction and, like other stories of Asimov, it carries the ideas related to the present.

According to the plot, the fifteen-year-old boy, Sam Chase arrived on Energy Planet. He graduated from the school on the Earth and was sent to this place for no apparent reasons. The boy wasn't interested in astrophysics.

Neurophysiology was an area which challenged him. Sam believed that, "Even today, the human brain continues to be a mystery. We know more about neutron stars than we do about the brain, as we found out when this project first began.

It was known that the project of exploring the planet is temporarily delayed. The Commander was sick. There were rumors that people who lived there were affected by hallucinations. Just after arriving, Sam was warned that it was better to stay inside the Dome (large building). However, he went outside and witnessed something which other people considered a hallucination.

Sam didn't believe the common opinion about the origin of this phenomenon: that it was a hallucination. As a result, a new form of life was discovered. It happened because he wasn't close-minded, and that made the whole difference. Besides the first project about neutron-star energy, new project was started- neurophysiology and Sam found his future.

This is the link to the story:

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