In 1791, the French writer Jacques Bernardin de Saint-Pierre wrote a parable story, which was translated into Russian in 1887 by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
The story takes place in Surat, India. There was one famous coffee shop. Foreigners gathered there and had their conversations where a single follower of Judaism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Islam argued with each other about the true path to salvation.
At the end of the story all guests turned to a quiet Chinese man and asked his opinion.
Here is the link to the text of the story:
"Rainbows," is a short story about an Irish immigrant who lives in the U.S. Difficult to say what is this story "about"? One possible option to summarize the story is that it is about different cultures and different attitudes toward relationships in society.
Here is the link to the text of the story: