Saturday, November 25, 2023

Kalinin by Maxim Gorky — Review

In the story “Kalinin” Maxim Gorky tries to prove to readers that the basis of human consciousness is not based on physical instincts but based on some ideals embedded in them by Nature or by God himself.

In addition, the author tries to explain the natural tendency of some people towards laziness and indifference, on which the ideas of anarchism are based such as “give up everything” and live without any obligations to anyone.

Here is the link to the text of the story:

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Obituary by Isaac Asimov — Review

The story “Obituary” by Isaac Asimov is about the marriage of two people who do not understand each other at all, who has completely different values ​​and dreams. One has a passion for science and an incredible eager for recognition. The other has hope for a save of personal happiness.

As usual with Asimov, the story is about the future, where a physicist discovered a way to move matter from the future. The ending is very interesting. The story, although with ironic humor, also includes a lesson for readers. At least in the fact that people should try to understand and feel the emotions of their partners. Otherwise, everything could end tragically.

Here is the link to the text of the story:

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Last Inch by James Aldridge — Review

The short story “The Last Inch” by James Aldridge keeps the reader in suspense. The plot intrigues readers right away. This work, despite its small size, has a very strong emotional impact on the reader.

The book raises the issue of relationships between parents and children and raising children. Two people, an adult man and a boy who so needs parental love, must pass this life test.

Parents sometimes do not think about the fact that their children are wise and strong in spirit. The author showed this perfectly in his book. He shows how a ten-year-old boy behaves in a difficult situation. The child, without tears, overcoming fear, copes well with the difficult situation with the help of his father’s guidance.

Here is the link to the text of the story:

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Nocturne by Kazuo Ishiguro — Review

The nocturne is very short - listeners don't even have time to understand if they like it or not.

So the main characters of this story manage to tell their stories, reveal their inner world, and show a part of their lives.

The story is light, captivating with lively characters and ease of storytelling. The problems of the main characters are understandable, readers feel sad and hope with them.

Here is the link to the tex of the story: