"The Story of an Hour" is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. The author explores in the story a concept of happiness. The main idea for the story is - a marriage without love for a woman - it is like being in a prison.
The title emphasizes the idea of fate, where the main events can occur in a short time, in this case - in an hour.
The reason for happiness in the story is the loss of a loved one - a husband. Here the source of happiness is negative emotions and events.
The heroine realizes that she can’t hold in her tears when she is imagining the body of her husband, who loved her. The most important thing for her is that she will have the years, which will belong only to her. Freedom is what she is aware of.
The culmination of the story was her husband returning, alive, and safe. After that, the heroine suddenly died.
Are her thoughts sinful? Is her husband guilty for her death? These are questions for readers and a subject for discussion.
Here is the link to the text of the story: