The short story "Acceptance Journey" by Mary Gaitskill was published in 2018 in the magazine "The New Yorker".
According to the plot, Carol, a divorced woman fifty-four years old, got a temporary job in a small town. The author highlighted the feeling of loneliness of her showing some attempts to establish relationships with her neighbors. Carol saw a billboard offering debt resolution and gym memberships. The slogan of this advertising “The Acceptance Journey” brought Carol's attention. The picture of well-looking people hugging one another stuck on her mind.
The idea of loneliness and desire of the woman to go out from the circle of her phobias was implemented in the sequence events like visiting a local church, meetings with neighbors, changing letters with a small girl about Christmas and so on. The story puts some dilemmas for readers and suggests to think about them.
Here is the link to the text of the story: