Wednesday, January 6, 2016

English class: Training listening skills in tandem (December 27, 2015, teacher Brittany Briggs,

I highlighted a training of listening in this class because:
  • The script of this video was written by our teacher, Britanny
  • This video challenged our listening skills, it was very difficult to understand whole script.

It might be as an exercise for people who are reading this post to practice listening this video, here is the link

Sunday, January 3, 2016

English class: Representing Yourself In The Court (January 2, 2015, teacher Simon D. Yates,

The task of watching video before class was to choose a role for play in the class. The video was about representing yourself in the court and the list of roles was:
  1. facilitator - who helps to participate in process, in that case who organizes show;
  2. litigant - person who is interested in court's result;
  3. professor - who leads the non-profit organization for helping people represent them-self in the court;
  4. layer or advocate.

The main part of the class was organized as a radio-show where the facilitator gave to other participators possibilities to express their opinion about self-representation in the court.

Useful vocabulary:
I was out of options;
legal fees;
crusader following your goal  ;
I'm a layer, I'm gonna clean you up.

Our teacher, Simon, made this class very dynamical restricting the time of each speeches. 

Productive teacher's methods:
Playing video before discussion;
Giving role for each student from video;
Good time-management during the class.