Today in the Kori’s class we used the online presentation about Earthquakes through the very interesting service which provides
I wasn’t familiar with vocabulary about Earthquakes but I could keep the presentation on the and repead it later.
After this class I checked some features “Present online” with two computers. These are what I noticed:
1.) The 1st computer (presenter) could run (manage) the presentation.
The 2nd (participator) followed. Participator was able to change slides separately but when presenter changed slide, this slide appeared on the 2nd PC.
2.) Presenter can give a permission to run the presentation clicking for the avatar of participator and choosing the option for it. Only this participator can return the permission.
My opinion about using Prezi:
The benefits for teachers: possibilities to prepare class, keeping early created material etc.
The benefits for students: this is next step for integration online technologies to the real life. We used to see what the teacher says on the board (in the real classroom) and now this option is available in virtual classroom.
In addition:
1.) We can see video from Youtube together exactly in the same time (it means that teacher can stop video for every students, explain last episode and continue revie).
2.) We can find on thousands of the pesentations and use them without breaking copyrights (we can copy them if autor gave us the permission for copying).
Thank you Kori for that great class. You can see the presentation here . You can also watch video there clicking on picture of the video inside slide “Seismic Energy” there.