Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hazardous journey with Finn Kranfe.
Using adverbs of manner (market red bold italic type in the text below)
Introduction to adverbs of manner:
Adverbs are words that give more information about verbs or adjectives:
He walked slowly down the stairs. (how did he walk down the stairs?)
I rarely go to the shops. (how often do I go to the shops?)
Adverbs of manner are normally adjectives that end in ly:
She's a beautiful dancer. (beautiful is the adjective)
She dances beautifully. (beautifully is the adverb)
There are two irregular adverbs of manner, that look more like adjectives than adverbs. They are adjectives and also adverbs: fast, hard. To find out whether they are adjectives or adverbs, look at the context (the words on either side of them):
The wall was hard: (adjective, describing a noun)
We ran hard: (adverb of manner, describing how we ran)
The adverb of good is not goodly. It is well:
The football team played well and won 3-0
It was extraordinary journey even for Second life. This trip was organised by Languagelab.
That was so. We turned up on the ship with strange name “Eternity”
Quote from Wikipedia:
“While in the popular mind, eternity (or foreverness) often simply means existence for a limitless amount of time, many have used it to refer to a timeless existence altogether outside time. By contrast, infinite temporal existence is then called sempiternity. Something eternal exists outside time; by contrast, something sempiternal exists throughout an infinite time. Sempiternity is also known as everlastingness”.
There was a strike storm. It rained heavily this day. The waves rolled over on the ship. It was terrible experience for us. We bravely walked through the deck. The women were screaming, the wind whistled in our ears. We were finding a shelter.

We found the refuge in the cabin. We settled comfortably, we needed to decide what could we do for our escaping. It was necessary to think deeply about this problem and to find a solution.
And the issue was found, we decided to leave the ship on the boats. Our teacher cleverly kept the the boats for us. So, we luckily avoided the worse.
The boats sailed fast and part of our team lost

Rescue on a desert island !!! It was our only chance. Of course we remembered well-known traveler Robinson Crusoe.
Next what we saw was Flying Dutchman which looked strangely. We talked interestingly about this subject.
Quote from Wikipedia:
The legend of the Flying Dutchman concerns a ghost ship that can never make port, doomed to sail the oceans forever. It probably originates from 17th-century nautical folklore. The oldest extant version dates to the late 18th century.
Sightings in the 19th and 20th centuries report the ship to be glowing with ghostly light. If hailed by another ship the crew of the Flying Dutchman will try to send messages to land, or to people long dead. In ocean lore, the sight of this phantom ship is a portent of doom.

It was time to return. Near this island was the oil-platform. Fortunately, oil tycoons like to fly on the helicopter. So did we. Finn correctly guessed how manage this helicopter. We happily returned to the world of civilization.

The cafe looked beautifully. We tiredly settled to the comfortable chairs and started talking. We had worked well, so we deserved a cap of coffee. We discussed all events of the day in the comfortable cafe. I carefully wrote this story for you.
Anatoly. September 2011.
This adverbs of manners haven’t included to the text above:
The following adverbs can go after the subject and before the main verb in a sentence:
Angrily: I angrily told her* I wanted to leave.
Bravely: Jason bravely fought the lion*.
Carefully: I carefully wrapped the present* for him.
Cleverly: My mother cleverly hid the presents* before Christmas Day.
Correctly: He correctly guessed the answer*.
Easily: She easily beat me* at football.
Happily: I happily agreed to help Dominic with his homework.
Kindly: The old man kindly gave me all his money before he died.
Luckily: I luckily avoided the hole in the middle of the road.
Quickly: She quickly learnt that she had to say one thing and do the other to succeed.
Quietly: He quietly went into his room* and sat down.
Sadly: I sadly opened the windows* and breathed in the cold air.
Slowly: Karl slowly pulled out his gun* and shot the snake.
Softly: I softly washed the baby's head*.
Sweetly: He sweetly sang to his girlfriend*.
Tiredly: I tiredly took off my clothes* and went to bed.
Unhappily: She unhappily thought about the consequences of her actions.
In sentences marked with a *, the adverb can also go where the star is.
The following adverbs can go after the subject and after, not before, the main verb in a sentence:
Attractively: She walked attractively into the room.
Beautifully: My sister draws and paints beautifully.
Cheaply: I dress cheaply because I don't care about my appearance.
Comfortably: Horace settled comfortably in his favourite chair and went to sleep.
Deeply: I thought deeply about this problem and tried to come up with a solution.
Expensively: I dressed expensively to make a good impression.
Fast: Kathy drove fast but carefully.
Hard: She worked hard during the week and played sport all weekend.
Heavily: It rained heavily all weekend.
Horribly: She died horribly, in pain and discomfort.
Interestingly: The lecturer talked interestingly about the subject.
Loudly: I shouted loudly, but he didn't hear me.
Nicely: Mrs Knight writes very nicely.
Strangely: I looked strangely at him when he said he was an alien.
Strongly: She smelt strongly of whisky.
Terribly: I suffer terribly from back pain.
Weakly: I fought weakly but he was too strong for me.
Well: You have worked well, so you deserve to pass the exam.
Wrongly: I answered wrongly and failed the test.
Irregular adverbs
There are two irregular adverbs of manner, that look more like adjectives than adverbs. They are adjectives and also adverbs: fast, hard. To find out whether they are adjectives or adverbs, look at the context (the words on either side of them):
1a. The wall was hard (adjective, describing a noun).
1b. We ran hard (adverb of manner, describing how we ran).
The adverb of good is not goodly. It is well.
The football team played well and won 3-0.